Please see below for pricing information for #decals, #toppers, and #layered.

#decals Pricing Info.

Prices are different by sizes.

#decals are made in one color and one layer.

#decals are shipped via USPS First-Class Mail.

If you order more than 3 #decals, the discount pricing will be available. Please email us for more information.

If you want your #decals over 12 inches in any dimension, please contact JTD Store (email to, and you'll get a special pricing according to the size of your choice.

#toppers Pricing Info.

Prices are different by sizes.

Regular #toppers are made with around 70 lbs paper. (If you prefer other paper weights, please email us for more information.)

#toppers are made in one color and one layer.

#toppers are shipped via USPS First-Class Mail.

If you order more than 3 #toppers, the discount pricing will be available. Please email us for more information.

If you want your #toppers over 12 inches in any dimension, please contact JTD Store (email to, and you'll get a special pricing according to the size of your choice.

#layered Pricing Info.

Please email JTD Store ( first to find out the pricing information on #layereddecals and/or #layeredstickers.